The biggest coffee festival in history will take over Shanghai and here is the full guide for you not to get lost. Shanghai Coffee Festival@..
CREM相信对咖啡的赤诚热爱是品味纯正的关键。 正是这种热爱,激发了他们对品味的追求, 敦促他们致力于创造更高品质、更具智能化的功能型咖啡机 。 在此,他们向您推出ONYX Pro。 At Crem, they believe that pure passion is the secret to great taste. It is passion that fuels their tastes..
Sigep 21-25 January 2017 Now in its 38th year, the event confirms its undisputed international leadership as trade fair for professional operators all over..
The Re:verb China 2016 was hold at Holiday Inn, Minhang district in Shanghai on Nov, 15th, 2016, which is mainly sponsored by WCE and undertaken..
The 20th anniversary of the FHC China exhibition for imported food and beverages will be celebrated from 7-9 November 2016, Shanghai and runs alongside the..
After a short break, the second part of James Hoffmann’s sharing meeting continues at Hiangkie Coffee Shanghai on 2nd Nov. 2016 The second part’s theme..
We’re glad to share some valuable information got from James Hoffmann’s share meeting, which is hold in Hiangkie Coffee Shanghai on Nov,2nd ,2016. James Hoffmann, Author..
“Coffee is a people business” CCS cup tasting event in Shanghai, held at GABEE GABEE Caféheld a special coffee event in Shanghai on September..
Tokyo as a famous international city has its own special coffee culture. The city combines traditions and modern perfectly. While the CTI’s reporters were..
When you think of Matcha, you might think of it as it was originally from Japan. However, it was originally from China, later in..
Matt Perger简介: 2014的世界咖啡调酒大赛冠军 2012的世界冲煮大赛冠军 2013、2011年的世界咖啡师大赛第二与第三名 澳洲墨尔本St. Ali家族的生豆采购、烘焙师、训练师、及咖啡师 曾帮助Mahlkong 研发设计EK43磨豆机 今天跟继续跟大家分享2014年10月31日,于王力咖啡学院举办“国际咖啡论坛”Matt Perger 的咖啡哲学与国际视野演讲(下)。 Matt Perger-澳洲墨尔本St.Ali家族的生豆采购、烘焙师、训练师及咖啡师 同时身为咖啡师、烘焙师、训练师与生豆采购,Matt 谦虚地说,他主要专注在烘焙与咖啡师的角色,思寻这样的定位,可以如何改善咖啡产业的供应链。 Matt 带着众人,从全球化的观点,检视咖啡将面临供续不平衡的三个问题: 温室效应让全球温度升高,将迫使咖啡栽植移至更高海拔,可栽植面积减少。 中国崛起,咖啡需求量大增。 许多庄园的第二代移居城市,不愿意再从事种植咖啡的事业。 以上三个因素,将使得全球咖啡供给量跟不上需求量的成长速度。于此,Matt 建议作为一位咖啡师,可以从「提升均匀度」及「提高萃取度」这两点着手,增进咖啡的出杯效率,避免咖啡豆的浪费。「提升均匀度」是避免咖啡制作过程中因过萃或萃取不足所导致的不良风味和浪费。目前主流的咖啡萃取度介于18%到22%之间,却常因为操作控管的不均(例如压粉力道不平均),有萃取不足或过萃的情形。 Matt倡导,注重控管每杯咖啡萃取度,尽量让每杯都维持在20%,而非介于14~26%之间;而在均匀度达到较佳控制后,再设法于「不影响咖啡的好风味」前提下,提高萃取度以提升效率。在Matt的估算下,如果世界上每位咖啡师都为节约全球需求量,改变他们的萃取行为,提高萃取率 2%,每年约可多出215亿杯的咖啡!..